
雲林農業從傳統進階智慧科技 德國梅佛邦巴歆縣訪問團驚豔

  • 分類:農業類
  • 發布單位:農業處
  • 發布日期:112-05-27

德國梅佛邦巴歆縣參訪團27日參訪「台灣鯛生態創意園區」、「水林微醺農場」、「北港宏昇芽菜」,瞭解雲林縣智慧農業發展,巴歆縣縣長Stefan Sternberg(史騰貝格)表示,今天看到台灣傳統農業到現在化的進展,讓他很驚豔,很值得他們學習。


德國梅佛邦巴歆縣與雲林縣締結姐妹縣情誼25年,巴歆縣縣長Stefan Sternberg(史騰貝格)、梅佛邦邦政府內政、建設暨數位廳廳長Christian Pegel(裴格爾)及巴歆縣議會議長Olaf Steinberg(史坦貝格)等6人,26日扺達雲林展開5天4夜雲林參訪交流,今天安排智慧科技農業參訪行程。














On May 27th, the county mayor, speaker and others of Germany’s Parchim County visited Kouhu Township in Yunlin. Yunlin County has had an abundance of success and praise in agriculture, so the group’s visit to the “Taiwan Sea Bream Ecological Creative Park,” “Shuilin Weixiu Farm,” and “Beigang Hongsheng Sprouts” was an opportunity to learn more about smart agriculture.


Taiwan Sea Bream Ecological Creative Park’s smart technology breeding method uses a low-carbon cycle that saves water and labor energy. IOT sensing equipment monitors the aquaculture pond. Data analysis of the automatic detection of water levels allows for automatic bait feeding, dosing, oxygenation and sewage filtration. The sterilization system reduces the labor burden of aquaculture fisheries and greatly improves the efficiency of aquaculture. In fact, the average annual output per unit of aquaculture area is about 15 times higher than that of traditional outdoor fish farms. Furthermore, the efficiency of water use exceeds 80%. Combined with solar power generation, these aquaculture facilities can produce about 4,000 degrees a day. During peak hours, “off-peak electricity” is stored for farming which balances electricity consumption and thus reduces electricity costs. In the summer, there is electricity storage, shade and cooling. In the winter, there is a warming function as well. In the tourism industry, the Taiwan Sea Bream Ecological Creative Park was established to promote food and agriculture education. A further goal was to create environmental education activities for parents and children. The final motivation was to also drive the local creation of new industry models. 


Shuilin Weixiu Farm uses greenhouse facilities to introduce an off-the-ground medium cultivation model. The farm also expands farming knowledge by employing a semi-automatic nutrient solution system and a standard operating procedure (SOP) for cultivation. In cooperation with local farmers, the farm provides a stable access, supply and price. For this reason, it is a farm that can stably supply cucumbers all year round.  


Beigang Hongsheng Sprouts completed a new factory in November 2022 which covers an area of more than 200 square meters. It is the most well-equipped sprouts factory in Taiwan. It has not only passed multiple certifications including the ISO certificate, but also has a one-stop service for planting, cleaning and packaging. The factory uses automated production and cold chain equipment, with the most special aspect being its use of a “high-tech intelligent agricultural system.” The Beigang Hongsheng Sprouts applies technology to collect the growth parameters of these plants, therefore producing higher quality, more delicious sprouts.


Wei Shengde, the Director of Agriculture, shared that Yunlin County is, at its core, a large agricultural county. In recent years, Yunlin has successfully guided the transformation of agriculture by introducing AI smart agricultural technology in locations such as the Weixiu Farm, the Taiwan Sea Bream Ecological Creative Park, and Gukeng Coffee (TGC). Both national programs as well as Yunlin County’s own programs promote these transformation efforts. Such programs include the entrepreneurial return to one’s hometown, local creation efforts, forward-looking plans in smart agricultural technology, the micro-innovation subsidy program, and more. Yunlin farmers and agricultural enterprises have great potential. Through these programs, everyone is encouraged to participate in the combination of traditional agriculture with digital technology. In the future, Yunlin County will invite more farmers and fishermen to join the ranks of smart agriculture, so that Yunlin agriculture can escape the comfort zone, cope with future challenges and become more powerful.