
Alleged violations from F/V Shuen De Ching No.888.

  • 發布單位:農業處


Regarding the case of F/V Shuen De Ching No.888, which was accused of unauthorized operation by Greenpeace couple days ago, the Fisheries Agency of Taiwan requested the assistance of the Coast Guard Administration to instruct the patrol vessel, HSUN HU No.9, to board the vessel Shuen De Ching No.888 and conduct investigation on 17 and 18 September 2015. According to the preliminary findings, the fishing license of Shuen De Ching No.888 and its certificate for fishing vessels operating at overseas bases are both valid. Markings of the fishing vessel and reports of its positions are also in conformity with relevant regulations. However, alleged violations were found out as well. The Fisheries Agency decides to order this vessel to stop operations immediately and navigate directly back to Taiwan, under escort of the said patrol vessel, for further investigations and punishment.

  The Fisheries Agency indicates that Shuen De Ching No.888 left the Dong Gang Port of Taiwan on 27 June 2015, and arrived in the High Sea Pocket No.1 in the Pacific for fishing on 7 July. It’s duly authorized by this Agency to operate in the western and central Pacific Ocean. After conducting inspection by patrol vessel HSUN HU No.9 on 17 and 18 September, inspectors found out that total catch on board this fishing vessel accounted for 10.4 tons, including 5.4 tons of yellow fin tuna, 2 tons of bigeye tuna and 3 tons of others.